+49 7234 / 94794-0 info@mebus-mimtechnik.de

Quality Management – Policy and Objectives

Mebus MIM-Technik GmbH („Mebus“) manufactures parts for medical and non-medical apllications based on metal-injection-molding and ceramic-injection-molding at our site in Neuhausen.

Mebus is a family business with growth-oriented objectives and a strong value system. Reliability, fairness, respect, and responsibility are integral parts of our company policies.

We offer quality- and environmental standards that meet and exceed our customers‘ demands. With our knowledge and our ideas, we always seek to live up to customers‘ requirements, as our customers are our partners.
Promotion of entrepreneurial thinking and acting within our workforce is a precondition to their inclusion in our continuous improvement process. Appropriate qualification, information, and motivation of all our employees constitute the fundamental basis for the improvement of quality and effectiveness of our products and processes. Every employee is personally responsible for his/her work space and task.
Our company is highly committed to our employees. Work place safety, a great work environment, and a friendly and tolerant atmosphere are all part of our strong principles. Mebus is committed to comply with all regulatory requirements and guidelines, sets quality- and company targets, and measures and tracks their achievement through our quality management system.
An active risk management is the basis for our zero-defect-philosophy. Anticipating and assessing risks and chances at an early process stage secure error prevention and early detection. Every process is defined and monitored. We create transparency of sequencing and interrelations of process steps through transparent illustration and reciprocal information.
We expect the same quality- and environmental standards that apply to our own company from our suppliers, and we continuously monitor compliance through audits and qualifications.


Quality Management

Our Quality Management can be downloaded here

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Mebus MIM-Technik GmbH
Monbachstr. 7
75242 Neuhausen

Fon: +49 (0)7234 94794 - 0
Fax: +49 (0)7234 94794 - 99

eMail: info@mebus-mimtechnik.de

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