Environmental Commitment
Environmentally responsible and sustainable manufacturing practices are an integral part of our company culture.
The following standards and principles guide our actions:
Compliance with all environmental laws and regulations is the minimum standard for all of our processes and services and therefore forms an integral part of our management system and decision making. Management is leading by example. Responsible actions and careful use of resources is expected of all employees.
We are employing state-of-the-art, environmentally friendly production methods as well as recycling systems and other reduction and avoidance strategies that maximize efficiency in the use of energy, water and other natural resources and reduce emissions, wastewater and waste generally. Pollutants and emissions (including noise) are monitored and minimized.
When planning and implementing new processes and investments, we employ the most modern, state-of-the-art technology wherever economically sensible and efficient. In this process, we are constantly evaluating the economic impact of our processes and the raw materials, agents and consumables we utilize.
We expect environmental compliance at our business partners. When selecting suppliers and service providers, we factor in our environmental guiding principles.
We communicate our environmental guiding principles to our employees. We are collaborating closely and faithfully with regulators and subject matter experts.
Environmental Commitment
Our environmental commitment statement can be downloaded here
Mebus MIM-Technik GmbH
Monbachstr. 7
75242 Neuhausen
Fon: +49 (0)7234 94794 - 0
Fax: +49 (0)7234 94794 - 99
eMail: info@mebus-mimtechnik.de
How to find us